Giving Drug Users a Choice


Who we are

The Omari Project (TOP) is a community-based organization established in 1995 to transform the lives of heroin users.TOP's integrated approach to drug abuse has three components; treatment and rehabilitation of drug users including community-based follow-up; community-based outreach adopting the peer-led model that implements the minimum package of HIV harm reduction intervention, advocacy to create stakeholders' awareness on the public health perspective which is right based on the approach to preventing HIV among people who use drugs.Our well structured outreach program cordinated at the Drop-In-Center(DIC), adopts the peer-led model in reaching out to the people who use or inject drugs- a model approved by the National AIDS and STI Control Program (NASCOP)

The Omari Project

Our services are open and inclusive, and we strive to support anyone no matter what your background or needs.

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TOP team leader is Mr. Dilmua Mohamed, he is the director and has relevant managerial experience in more than five similar projects (UNODC project in 2007, AED project in 2006, TOWA project 2008, Aphia Plus project in 2009 and KANCO project CAHR in 2010). In the last seven years, he has a 10 year experience working with drug users in Malindi. He has been trained in counseling and management skills Membership in national and county HIV technical working group, Membership with local and international networks working with people who use drugs and he is a member of TWG nationally as well as the treasurer of the Kenya Harm reduction Network.


Our Partners

We have collaborated with a long list of customers, located in and out
of the country. Thanks to them we have grown as professionals and achieved our goals.

kilifi county
red cross