Giving Drug Users a Choice


TOP’s approaches vulnerable groups including new drug users, smoking, former drug injectors, prisoners with a history of drug use, and commercial sex workers. TOP focuses on specific Interventions, including:

Providing condoms to drug users and their sexual partners;
TOP have condom requirement register and every Outreach worker maintained a cohort of 40 to 45 drug users in a year. By doing this we are in a better passion to identify the condom need per every PWUD/PWIDs as well as their sexual partners. We can also project on how many condoms are required per client. With this information Outreach workers normally provide Male condoms and female condoms to those who need condom after educating them and demonstrate on proper condom use. Male and female condoms re distributed after educating them and demonstrating proper condom use.

The psychosocial counseling services offered by The Omari Project are an integral part of our mission to rehabilitate, educate individuals who struggle with drug and substance abuse. Our approach recognizes that addiction is a complex issue influenced by psychological, emotional, and social factors. Our counseling services are designed to address these dimensions and guide individuals toward sustainable recovery and personal growth. We begin by understanding a clients background, challenges, and aspirations. Through a comprehensive assessment, we gain insights into their physical health, mental well-being, past experiences, and social support systems. Our trained counselors provide personalized one-on-one sessions. These sessions create a safe space for individuals to explore the underlying emotional and psychological factors contributing to their addiction. We collaborate to develop coping strategies, emotional resilience, and self-awareness. Our group therapy sessions foster a sense of belonging and shared experience. Participants connect with peers who understand their struggles, building a supportive community that encourages open dialogue, empathy, and the exchange of coping strategies. Addiction affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. Our family counseling sessions improve communication, rebuild trust, and equip families with tools to provide meaningful support throughout the recovery journey. Understanding the risk of relapse, we provide strategies to identify triggers, manage cravings, and sustain sobriety. Our goal is to empower individuals with the skills to handle high-risk situations confidently. Our services extend beyond initial rehabilitation. We provide ongoing support through aftercare programs, outpatient counseling, and access to support groups, ensuring that individuals maintain their progress long after leaving our program. Our team collaborates with medical experts to ensure comprehensive care. Co-occurring medical or mental health concerns are addressed in tandem with addiction treatment. We regularly assess individuals' progress and adjust treatment plans accordingly. This adaptive approach ensures that our services remain tailored to their evolving needs. In essence, our psychosocial counseling services form a cornerstone of our organization's commitment to guiding individuals through recovery and education. We strive to empower each person with the skills, insights, and support needed to overcome addiction, heal, and create a brighter future for themselves and their loved ones.

This is the use of medications in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, which is effective in the treatment of drug and substance abusers and can help some people to sustain recovery. re a vital component of our comprehensive approach to rehabilitate and educate individuals who struggle with drug and substance use. These services are designed to address the complex needs of our clients, ensuring their safety, well-being, and successful recovery journey. We use the Malindi Sub-county hospital where most of our clients attend the MAT clinic. MAT involves the use of FDA-approved medications, such as methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone, to help manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid and alcohol dependence. This evidence-based approach aids in stabilizing clients and reducing the risk of relapse. Our team of experienced professionals, including social workers and counselors, provides comprehensive case management services. This includes assistance with housing, employment, legal issues, and connecting clients with community resources to support their recovery journey. We operate from a non-judgmental and compassionate standpoint, recognizing that addiction is a medical condition, not a moral failing. Our services are delivered with respect and empathy, fostering a safe and welcoming environment for individuals seeking help.

From the TOP drop in center, clients are assessed then referred to other drug dependence services. An addiction counsellor at the center assesses the clients using Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST); the score achieved decides whether the patient is enrolled as an inpatient or outpatient. Through the outreach program a number of our clients were referred for addiction treatment at Omari Drop in Centers for assessment, NSP, HTC, motivational interviews as well as admitted at the rehab Centre in Msabaha for rehabilitation program

Alcohol and drug abuse screening

The Omari Project begins by conducting a comprehensive assessment of each individual's drug and alcohol use history. This assessment is performed by trained professionals who use standardized screening tools and interviews to gather information about the type and frequency of substance use. The screening process is instrumental in the early detection of substance abuse problems. By identifying issues at an early stage, we can intervene more effectively and prevent the escalation of addiction-related challenges. Based on the results of the screening, our organization develops personalized treatment plans. These plans take into account the severity of substance abuse, individual needs, and goals for recovery. We may recommend various levels of care, from outpatient counseling to intensive residential treatment. For individuals who require more intensive treatment, our organization assists in facilitating access to appropriate services. We have established partnerships with rehabilitation centers, counseling services, and medical professionals to ensure clients receive the care they need.

Referring and providing HIV Testing and Counseling (HCT) and antiretroviral therapy,
TOP Outreach Worker have been referring and accompany PWUDs at the DIC for HTC services, HTC Counselor have been providing HIV counseling and testing for more than eight years in Malindi and Lamu at the drop in center as well as at the Hot spots, Drug users who tested HIV positive and disclosed their status to our outreach workers are registered for care at the different care centers like Malindi Comprehensive Care Centre, Gede Care Centre and Lamu General Hospital, for further support so as to enable them access CD4 count, liver function and other relevant tests that will see them enrolled for ARVs or treatment of opportunistic infections. TOP in collaboration with local Comprehensive Care centers gives IDUs and DUs an opportunity of accessing CCC services at their chosen and preferred facility, .IDUs and DUs continue to enjoy privilege of not defaulting for the services. Close monitoring and follow ups motivates drug users to feel confident in accessing services provided at the comprehensive care centers in Malindi since the outreach workers and GOK staff are friendly and understanding. Through the funding from UNODC KE-108 and Academy for Education Development (AED) TOP has been providing Harm Reduction services since 2006 to key populations (PWUD/PWID/ALCOHOLIC) at the injecting sites. These services include Psychosocial Support (One on One, Group and Family therapy), Education services (HIV, STI’s and TB), HCT and referrals. These Comprehensive Care Centre’s are located in Malindi, Watamu and Lamu.

HIV/AIDS Palliative Care is an essential service provided by our organization as part of our commitment to rehabilitating and educating individuals who use drugs and substances, especially those who are living with HIV/AIDS. This specialized form of care focuses on improving the quality of life for individuals who have been affected by HIV/AIDS, particularly those who may be dealing with addiction issues. One of the primary goals of palliative care is to manage and alleviate pain and symptoms associated with HIV/AIDS. Our organization takes a holistic approach to HIV/AIDS Palliative Care, recognizing that individuals living with HIV/AIDS often face complex physical, emotional, and social challenges. We provide comprehensive support that addresses the diverse needs of our clients. We assist clients in managing their HIV/AIDS medications, ensuring they adhere to their treatment plans. This includes providing education on medication regimens, potential side effects, and the importance of consistency. Recognizing the intersection between substance use and HIV/AIDS risk, we also incorporate harm reduction strategies into our services. This includes providing access to clean needles, safe injection education, and support for safer substance use practices.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (Prep) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Services are vital components of our organization's efforts to rehabilitate, educate, and support individuals who use drugs and substances. These services are specifically designed to prevent the transmission of HIV among this vulnerable population. We provide regular HIV testing for individuals on Prep to confirm that they remain HIV-negative. This helps ensure early detection in case of exposure. For those deemed at high risk, our medical professionals prescribe Prep medication and closely monitor its usage. Regular check-ups and HIV testing are essential to ensure the effectiveness of Prep In cases of potential exposure to HIV, our organization offers PEP, a short-term medication regimen taken within 72 hours of exposure. This is a critical service for individuals who may have had unprotected sex, shared needles, or experienced other high-risk situations. We prioritize rapid access to PEP medication and conduct prompt evaluations to determine its appropriateness based on the individual's circumstances. By offering Prep and PEP services, our organization aims to empower individuals who use drugs and substances to take proactive steps in protecting their sexual and overall health. These services not only provide a critical safety net in the event of potential HIV exposure but also contribute to our broader mission of harm reduction and education in the context of substance use. We prioritize the well-being and safety of our clients, ensuring they have access to the tools and knowledge necessary to reduce their risk of HIV infection.

Family Planning Services provided by The Omari Project are an integral component of our comprehensive approach to supporting individuals who use drugs and substances. We recognize the importance of reproductive health and family planning in the lives of our clients and their families. We offer educational programs and counseling sessions that focus on family planning, contraception, and reproductive health. Our aim is to empower individuals with knowledge about their reproductive choices and provide a safe space for discussing their concerns and preferences. Our organization ensures that clients have access to a range of contraceptive methods, including condoms, birth control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and more. We discuss the available options, their effectiveness, and potential side effects to help clients make informed decisions. We understand that each individual's family planning needs are unique. Our services are tailored to accommodate various circumstances, including individuals who may be at risk of unintended pregnancies due to substance use. We work with clients to develop personalized family planning strategies that align with their goals and lifestyles. For clients who wish to start or expand their families in the future, we provide preconception care. This includes guidance on optimizing health before conception, managing chronic conditions, and reducing potential risks to both the individual and the baby. Our Family Planning Services are rooted in the belief that individuals who use drugs and substances deserve comprehensive healthcare that considers their reproductive health and family planning needs. By offering education, access to contraceptives, and tailored support, we aim to empower our clients to make informed decisions about their reproductive futures while providing essential resources to promote healthier families and communities.

The Omari Project's initiatives to support and rehabilitate people who use drugs and other substances include STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) Screening and Treatment Services. These services are geared toward meeting the requirements of our clients in terms of sexual health, with a focus on STI prevention and treatment in particular TOP provides comprehensive screening for a range of STIs, including but not limited to HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and hepatitis. Regular testing is recommended to detect infections early and initiate treatment promptly. We prioritize creating a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental space for individuals to discuss their sexual health concerns. We understand the stigma often associated with STIs and substance use, and we aim to reduce barriers to seeking care. Our organization offers education and awareness programs on STIs, transmission modes, and prevention strategies. Clients receive information on safe sexual practices, condom use, and risk reduction to empower them to make informed decisions about their sexual health. We conduct risk assessments to help clients understand their vulnerability to STIs, especially if they engage in high-risk behaviors like unprotected sex or sharing needles. This assessment guides our recommendations for testing and preventive measures. If an STI is detected, our healthcare professionals provide prompt diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment. We offer medications, antibiotics, or antivirals as necessary, and we ensure that clients understand the importance of completing the prescribed treatment regimen. We offer vaccination services for STIs like hepatitis B and HPV (Human Papillomavirus) when applicable. Vaccination is an essential preventive measure against certain STIs. We recognize the emotional and psychological impact that an STI diagnosis can have. Our organization provides counseling and support to help clients cope with the emotional aspects of their diagnosis and make informed decisions about their sexual health moving forward. Given the intersection between substance use and high-risk sexual behaviors, we integrate harm reduction strategies into our services. We offer guidance on safer sexual practices and substance use to minimize the risk of STIs. Our STI Screening and Treatment Services are designed to ensure that individuals who use drugs and substances receive the necessary care and support to maintain their sexual health. By offering testing, treatment, education, and prevention strategies in a compassionate and stigma-free environment, we aim to reduce the incidence of STIs and empower our clients to make healthier choices regarding their sexual well-being.

Needle and syringe programmes (NSP) for PWID
TOP happens to be among the key pioneers of the needle and syringe program to launch in Kenya. It was through the funding from Aids alliance foundation from Ukraine to KANCO as Principle recipient. TOP started NSP in late November 2011 as a pilot project targeting twenty PWID’s. We then scaled up the project due to high demand for NSP in January 2012 targeting two hundred PWIDs. To date TOP has registered 1520 PWIDs and enrolled more than 602 PWIDs into NSP program. Outreach workers go to the field on daily basis to distribute Needle, Cotton balls, Alcohol swabs, water for injection, male condoms and harm reduction services to PWID’s in Malindi and Watamu.

Running community outreach operations for drug users, especially in harm reduction, providing harm reduction information and educating People Who Inject Drug (PWID)
TOP has been conducting several community outreach targeting PWUDs by providing Harm reduction services these include: Risk reduction counseling, Harm reduction information, HIV education, safer injecting practice education, STI education, Effect of drugs, Condoms promotion, TB education and (IEC) information education materials distribution in Malindi, Watamu and Lamu areas Through these outreaches more clients have access, information and education on harm reduction on a regular basis at least twice a month or once a month access to a shower and clean second hand Clothing/foot wear. This have drastically improve their physical appearance and also help them in accessing services in the public sector through referrals –e.g. - advanced medical care, HIV and AIDS diagnostics, treatment and care services.

TOP have been conducting several community outreach targeting PWUDs by providing Harm Reduction services these include: Risk reduction counseling, Harm reduction information, HIV Education, safer injecting practice education, STI education, Effect of drugs, Condoms promotion, TB Education and (IEC) information education materials distribution in Malindi, Watamu and Lamu areas Through these outreaches more clients have access, information and education on harm reduction on a regular basis at least twice a month or once a month access to a shower and clean second hand Clothing/foot wear. This have drastically improve their physical appearance and also help them in accessing services in the public sector through referrals –e.g. - advanced medical care, HIV and AIDS diagnostics, treatment and care services.