Giving Drug Users a Choice


International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking

Each year,the International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking takes place. With support from Stawisha Pwani and TotalEnergies Malindi, we joined the international community in the celebrations, which serve as an expression of the United Nation's determination to reinforce strong action & collaboration in the journey towards the achievement of a global society free from drug abuse. Substance abuse and the illicit trafficking of drugs is an evil in our society and a cause of disorientation in numerous communities. Additionally,it is a matter that is a major deterrent to humanity and a poison to the well-being of the youth in particular. The Omari Project joined millions the world over in marking The International Day Against Drug Abuse .The significance of this day has never been greater with drug use around the world on the rise and millions of people suffering from drug use disorders.This year's theme was People First: Stop Stigma& Discrimination, Strengthen Prevention.Shout out to our partners ,community members,& the TOP team of staff & beneficiaries for coming out to make the day a success.

Training on prevention of HIV, STIs, TB, hepatitis & drug and substance abuse

Our training program takes a multifaceted approach to address the complex web of issues related to drug and substance abuse, HIV, STIs, TB, and hepatitis. By recognizing the interplay between these challenges, we empower participants with an understanding of health and well-being.TOP's team of social-justice minded service providers comprising of a Clinical Officer & a Social Worker conducted a Sensitization for the communities identified on prevention of diseases . The target group also were trained on using reusable pads in the maintenance of their menstrual hygiene. At the event's end, each lady took home a sanitary pack.A quick thank you to NSDCC for supporting the event.



International Menstrial Hygiene Day

Menstrual hygiene is fundamental to any society's Economical ,Environmental, Human Rights and not forgetting Educational pillars. Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated internationally on May 28th, by participating, we aimed to break down barriers, reduce shame, and ensure that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has access to the necessary information and resources to manage their menstrual hygiene with dignity and confidence. At TOP, we believe in a holistic approach to recovery, addressing not only addiction but also the physical and emotional well-being of those we serve. Our participation in International Menstrual Hygiene Day reflects our commitment to providing comprehensive support to individuals on their path to recovery.We are proud to have been a part of this important day, creating awareness and taking practical steps to improve the lives of those we support. TOP is proud to mark this day and help in championing its access for all in need.

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

Community Coalitions are often formed to address various challenges faced in different societies by utilising different means. Through NACADA,TOP has been able to be engaged by the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), The CADCA Kenyan chapter is known as CADCKE. Last year,we successfully formed the CADKE-Malindi Coalition.The Coalition is comprised of members from 13 key sectors in the community for example Education,Religious,Health just to name a few. For 2 days,Malindi coalition members were taken through it's first in-person training by CADCA Lead-trainer & Consultant Mr.Colber Prosper M.S, and CADCKE Secretary General Mr.Patrick Okwarah. The Malindi Coalition benefitted from insights on Coalition Leadership,Capacity Building & Structure,Problem Analysis & Logic Model as well as harnessing the power of data-collection for a successful coalition. The sessions were quite interactive,comprising so much energy !We are happy to have benefitted from this CADCA program.



Harm Reduction Program

The Kenyan coast, reports a relatively high point prevalence of current alcohol use (19%) and illicit drug use (11%) among young people aged 18–24 years (Nacada Kenya 24 Nov 2021).At TOP we are committed to improving the lives of individuals facing drug addiction through a compassionate and holistic approachWe actively participate in Harm Reduction Program Awareness Program.We work with ViiV Healthcare on inclusive&resilient harmreduction targetting Adolescents&Young People Who Use drugs(AYPWUDs.) We carried out hotspot-based outreaches in our coverage areas where we provided the defined harm reduction packages where TOP staff &volunteers engaged the youth.

Sensitization meeting

Kilifi county's HIV transmission rate is 11 times higher than the national average of 8.3%,as per reports.Threats such as these as well as increase mother-child transmission have prompted the Kenyan government to launch the 'Triple Threat Campaign' in order to counter the threats against HIV prevention in this county by targetting adolescent girls and young women through addressing the drivers of risk and vulnerability in the population. The Omari Project is proud to be working with the@National Syndemic Disease Control Council – NSDCC in spearheading the prevention of new HIV infections, Sexual transmitted infections, Tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and reduction in HIV related morbidity and mortality among PWUID and FSW with emphasis on AGYW. TOP took part in a Sensitisation meeting on Community-led Initiatives on The Human-Centred Design for AGYW who Use Drugs&/or engage in sex work.The meeting was convened by NSDCC regional office.TOP is grateful to be involved in this worthwhile cause



Lea Mwana Childrens Home

The Omari Project took part in a Charity Mission at the Lea Mwana Children's home where we donated foodstuffs and other supplies. We had the privilege of visiting a local children's home, where we aimed to bring hope, positivity, and a sense of belonging to these young lives.This initiative was intended to spread the Christmas cheer to the kids. Our organization brought along gifts that included books, educational materials, toys, and essential items. It was heartwarming to witness the excitement and gratitude in the children's eyes as they received these tokens of love and support. It was a small gesture, but it carried the message that they are valued and cared for by their community.The visit was supported by the VIIV-Healthcare funded AYP program.

Remand home sessions

Our commitment to bettering the lives of drug users extends to all stages of their journey, including those who find themselves in remand homes or detention facilities. Our Remand Home Sessions are a vital component of our outreach efforts, aimed at providing support, education, and hope to individuals who are often at a vulnerable and critical juncture in their lives. TOP staff under the ViiV Healthcare program conducts sessions for remandees at the Malindi Remand Home where we intend to break the stigma levelled against this youth,because we believe in ensuring a future guaranteed of opportunities for children nationally. Trained counselors are on hand to engage with individuals one-on-one or in group settings. These sessions offer a safe space for detainees to discuss their challenges, seek guidance, and explore pathways to recovery We remain grateful to the Management of center for allowing us access to the facility.



The Omari Project Women’s and Children Emergency Shelter

The Omari Project Women’s and Children Emergency Shelter is a low barrier harm reduction-focused shelter aimed at providing transitional housing for women and children that are facing homelessness due to substance dependency. It is our mission to provide housing, care resources, counseling and legal service while guiding women on the journey to regain self-sufficiency and self-advocacy. We are looking to fundraise funds to establish this shelter and supply the basic needs (i.e. beds, bedding, kitchen supplies etc.)The shelter is based in Malindi, Kenya and is connected to The Omari Project. Well-wishers can support this initiative by donating through our gofundme page.Donations in form of supplies can be dropped-off to our head offices along Fisheries,next to Green Corn Guest House.

Daily feeding program

The Global Fund Funded-Kenya Red Cross implemented program works to Contribute to attainment of universal health coverage through comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment and care for all people in Kenya. In ensuring all needs of People Who Use Drugs (PWUDs) are met, beneficiaries have been benefitting from a daily-running feeding program. The daily meal service takes place in a safe and welcoming environment, where individuals can gather, socialize, and find respite from the challenges they may be facing. Our Daily Feeding Program is not just about providing sustenance; it's about recognizing the inherent worth and value of every individual. At The Omari Project, our Daily Feeding Program is a tangible expression of our commitment to bettering the lives of drug users. It serves as a symbol of hope and support, ensuring that individuals facing addiction have access to a nutritious meal and a caring community that understands their challenges and believes in their potential for recovery.



Prevention revolution via our school-based outreach program

Our ViiV Healthcare -supported staff are leading a Prevention revolution via our school-based outreach programs. A school-based outreach program designed to empower young minds with the knowledge, skills, and resilience needed to make informed choices and stay away from substance abuse.Schools are an important setting for these interventions because drug use typically begins during adolescence and schools provide easy access to large numbers of youth. Students at Sir Ali Primary School benefitted from sessions from our team.

Evidence Based Interventions

Evidence Based Interventions (EBI's)are treatments that are likely to be effective in changing target behavior .The TOP AYP program team members conducted the first of a series of My Health My Choice (MHMC) sessions at Kakuyuni ward. We recognize that addiction affects individuals differently. Our evidence-based approach allows us to tailor treatment plans to the unique needs and circumstances of each person we serve. This personalized approach increases the likelihood of successful recovery. Evidence-based interventions have a track record of success in helping individuals overcome addiction, reduce relapse rates, and improve overall well-being. our commitment to Evidence-Based Interventions reflects our dedication to providing the highest standard of care and support to individuals and families affected by addiction. We believe that by relying on evidence and data, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve, helping them achieve lasting recovery and a brighter future. Supported by ViiV Healthcare



Shella Youth Beach Tournament

In our commitment of supporting promising practices among AYP's,TOP with ViiV Healthcare's support organised an awarding ceremony for the top two teams during the just concluded Shella Youth Beach Tournament held in Malindi.The tournament is conducted in a drug-free environment, sending a powerful message that fun and fulfillment can be found in activities that do not involve substance use. It serves as a positive alternative to risky behaviors. By engaging youth in positive activities, we aim to prevent the initiation of drug use and encourage them to make healthy choices for their future.The tournament creates a sense of community and support, where youth can connect with peers and role models who promote a drug-free lifestyle. The event showcased the exceptional talent that youth in our area possess and just how their engagement in means such as these,is central in achieving an inclusive and stable society.Supported by VIIV Healthcare.

Harm Reduction Therapy

We are dedicated to enhancing the well-being of individuals who use drugs by offering a range of impactful activities, including Harm Reduction Therapy. Our Harm Reduction Therapy sessions are designed to provide practical, compassionate, and evidence-based support to those seeking to improve their lives while minimizing the negative consequences of drug use.The USAID-supported Stawisha-Pwani team of implementers, led by MAT Lead &Technical Officer Mr.Soud Tengah, organized a series community-engagement forum with Watamu residents. The targetted locations were Watamu, Jimba, Gede and Dabaso wards. Through this program, The Omari Project is prioritizing all forms of advocacy on MAT and generally, harm reduction therapy for the community in our coverage areas.



Environmental Conservation

We recognize the relation between health, well-being, and the environment. In line with this approach, we actively participated in an Environmental Conservation Initiative to promote a healthier planet and, by extension, healthier lives for those we serve. We organized and participated in local clean-up campaigns from Buntwani to Fisheries to remove litter and debris from public spaces. These efforts not only beautify the community but also promote a sense of pride and responsibility among participants. ngaging in environmental conservation activities, such as gardening and clean-up campaigns, can have therapeutic benefits for individuals in recovery, reducing stress and promoting a sense of purpose. At TOP, our commitment to environmental conservation is an extension of our mission to create healthier, more vibrant communities. We believe that by taking care of the environment, we also take care of the well-being of those we serve, promoting a future filled with health, hope, and harmony with the natural world.

Clinical screening and legal advice

We perform comprehensive health assessments to identify any immediate or long-term health concerns related to drug use. This includes screening for infectious diseases, mental health issues, and physical health problems. Based on the assessment, we develop personalized care plans that outline recommended treatments, harm reduction strategies, and referrals to appropriate healthcare services.We educate individuals about their legal rights and responsibilities, helping them navigate complex legal systems and avoid unnecessary legal troubles. If needed, we provide referrals to legal aid organizations and resources that can offer ongoing support for legal matters related to drug use. Our Clinical Screening and Legal Advice activities are designed to empower individuals by addressing both their health and legal needs. By combining medical expertise with legal guidance, we aim to reduce barriers to treatment, improve overall well-being, and help individuals make informed decisions about their future.



Building resiliance for mental, physical and social well-being

The Omari Project's pro-harm reduction AYP program,tailor-made for AYP&supported by ViiV Healthcare dubbed 'Building resilience for the mental,physical&social well-being of AYP ' has been carrying out routine visits to the local Juvenile Centre. The Juvenile Program provides short-term supervision for youth with delinquent/non-deliquent offenses.Our team comprising of Psychologists,Social workers and Paralegal officers provide Multi-systematic therapy for juveniles which in turn ,has helped reduce recidivism and rearrests among this high-priority population. We have so far reached 100 youth since the start of the year,when the program was rolled-out. N.B:Consent is obtained for all photographic materials taken&used in our activities. Supported by VIIV healthcare.

Worlds federation for mental health

TOP is proud to collaborate with the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) to advance our mission of improving the lives of individuals who use drugs. As part of this partnership, we actively participate in and support the WFMH's initiatives and activities, working together to promote mental health and well-being within the drug user community.Originally founded by the World Federation for Mental Health, an international membership organization that was founded in 1948 to advance the prevention of mental and emotional disorders, advance the proper treatment and care of those with such disorders, and advance the promotion of mental health, World Mental Health day is celebrated every year with a different theme. This year,the theme is 'Make Mental Health for all a Global Priority'&with that The Omari Project stood proud as a partner in advancing provision of #mentalwellbeing by participating in the celebrations.These included a procession from Mariakani Secondary-Mariakani Sub county facility,Edutainment,Exhibitions among others.
